Home Inspiration
3 Ways You’re Incorrectly Decorating Your Kitchen and How To Fix It
The kitchen is the heart of the home, but without a professional designer at hand it’s easy to make mistakes, especially if you’re following along with what the previous owners did

The kitchen is the heart of the home, but without a professional designer at hand it's easy to make mistakes, especially if you're following along with what the previous owners did. And, let's be honest, there's a reason you're redecorating! We've collected 3 mistakes a lot of kitchen owners make when they redecorate, and don't worry- you're not the only one who can't open the oven and drawers at the same time!


  1. Not enough counter space
    The most important thing about designing a good kitchen is having enough counter space. Everything else in the kitchen can be fixed or changed at a later date, if, however, you decide you need more counter space- uh-oh! Make sure you always leave more counter space than you need when designing your kitchen, think about where you're going to put ingredients next to the stove during cooking, where you'll put dirty and clean dishes- and where you'll chop and prepare food. You'll thank us later!
  2. Poor lighting
    Kitchen lighting is often forgotten about, maybe it's the wide windows, maybe it's the microwave light, but please god remember you need good lighting for chopping and cooking at night time. Make sure to test any lighting out before committing to how many or how bright and always err on the side of caution and buy more lighting than you need if you can't test it out beforehand.
 No flow
Every room in the house needs flow, the kitchen more than most. A smoothly running kitchen needs good access to three central elements, the fridge, oven and sink. If you're struggling to decide on a layout, forget anything else and just focus on these three simple pieces of the kitchen. Once their position is right, the rest can fill in the gaps.
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