October 25, 2019

3 Ideas For What To Hang Above Your Bed

The space above the bed on the wall provides an often awkward place which can be hard to fill with the right piece that will bring balance to the room. While artwork is a safe route, we’ve compiled a couple more ideas to consider that might spark inspiration for the perfect piece for your room...


There are so many variations of artwork you can have above the bed – one bold statement piece can provide the perfect focal point in a bedroom, while smaller pieces such as a gallery wall can be grouped for higher impact. It’s all about balancing the weight of the bed below, so larger, darker beds are going to need larger or more impactful artwork above them to balance the room.


Sometimes what you need in a space is another “window” in the room, or a reflective surface to bring a little more light into the space. Mirrors are the perfect solution, and can also bring some additional structure to the space with a carved frame. From a sunburst to a venetian mirror, there are many different styles to consider.


In case you might want something a little more three-dimensional above your bed, there are some fun options when it comes to a sculptural element or an object to hang above your headboard. This is perfect for a canopy bed, as something flat can get lost in the structure of the bed if it isn’t compelling enough. Woven sculptures are a great 3D option that will really pack a punch with interesting layers of texture.

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