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3 Ways to Upgrade Your Kitchen
Yes, it’s that easy, no need to do a full redo, spend thousands of pounds or hundreds of hours staring at potential colour matches for the shelving! We’ve gathered 3 little ways you can easi...

Yes, it's that easy, no need to do a full redo, spend thousands of pounds or hundreds of hours staring at potential colour matches for the shelving! We've gathered 3 little ways you can easily, quickly and cheaply upgrade your kitchen.

  1. Upgrade the items and appliances inside it
    It's a solid principle, updating the pieces of something makes the entire thing look better, even if you've not really touched anything big. So, get out your paint brushes and fabrics and put a little bit of muscle in! If you're low on budget, a fantastic way to put some variety into the kitchen without repainting is to use old fabrics, such as scarfs. Get creative and start wrapping them around things!
  2. Paint your seating
    One thing that can-do wonders for the look of a room is changing the seating around, depends on your style and what seating you currently have of course, but adding a lick of paint to tired seats or tables is a great way to spice up a section of your kitchen. Some people love spending time getting the particulars perfect, but if the finer details are something you'd rather not spend your afternoon on there's a load of different sticker options that can be put over wood to add decoration easily and cheaply!
Stick a backsplash up there
A backsplash is a tile wall across the back of your kitchen between and around cupboards and appliances. It's great for reflecting water, grease or bits of food but it can also look great and provide a break from colour. Much cheaper than having the entire wall fitted there are usually sticky tile panels you can buy from most DIY shops you can whack up there for a few pennies!
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