Home Inspiration
Making Use Of Headboard Space
Whether you’ve got a large or small bedroom, the space above the head of the bed is always an important part of the effect the room gives off

Whether you've got a large or small bedroom, the space above the head of the bed is always an important part of the effect the room gives off. So, if your headboard is currently empty stop ignoring this potential statement and get inspired.


When you think of headboards the first thing that comes to mind probably isn't fabric. As odd as it may seem though, there's lots of unique ways to make use of different fabric textures behind the bed. From drapes to tassles there's many specific things you can buy online for the purpose. But if you're low on money, consider making your own unique pieces.Try wrapping a chunk of wood, roughly cut to be the size of the headboard, with an old sheet; then spread nails out evenly throughout the board, through the sheet, and put a nice fancy fabric over the top.


The result? An easy and good looking low budget luxury headboard. If pin nails don't gel well with the ones on your hand, try fixing pretty coloured fabrics up along the wall; any spare nice fabric would work. Old rugs, scarves or pillow cases are great choices for this. You can then attach objects, which fit into the style of the room, to the fabric vertically on the wall- for something really special and unique looking.


Fabrics not your thing? No problem. You can put pictures, art or paintings behind the bed for a more personal effect. Feeling creative? You could attach shelving, wallpaper, plant pots, dream catchers or motivational quotes for ongoing, useful space projects
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