We all know the feeling, we spend all day cleaning and organising and our work seems to melt away before our eyes; clutter appears from nowhere and our perfect room is ruined! Put the bleach down, and stop worrying, the interior design experts at the sofa club know exactly what you need to spend less time cleaning and more time relaxing!
In Autumn, days start to get shorter, which may leave you in the dark midway through your summer cleaning list. Don't lose fair though, using fake light is the best way to pick up hidden grime and dirt. It may not directly contribute to what you think is making your house dirty and messy, but if use artificial light you'll find it a lot easier to catch clutter and objects hiding out under furniture or rugs!
Being free of mess can make your state of mind healthier and happier, so get rid of unneeded knick-knacks, books, possessions that do nothing but take up space and take value from the beauty you see looking around. Your home should be a place of escape, not a hoarder's paradise. The key to getting things done quickly is having the right mindset, so, start small, look at everything you have, and consider whether or not you really need it. If you don't, chuck it and enjoy the space!