Home Inspiration
Rethink And Resofa For Summer
Summers around again, and with it, a complete change in the way we live our lives

Summers around again, and with it, a complete change in the way we live our lives. Although we may be home a lot more, or a lot less- we still need our surroundings to reflect us and our personality. Yes, old Mr. Sofy has always been there when you need him; but maybe you need a little bit more now that you're inviting more friends than he has seats. Describe you? It's time for a change.


First off, start by looking around your home. Some rooms will need more seating, think: conservatory that hasn't been gazed upon since last year. Some will need less, or even a complete overhaul. The most valuable space can be used all year round, so make sure the seating you do get is appropriate for when the sun goes down. A loveseat here and am armchair there- and you're probably a lot closer to a home that suits how you live now, but remember to consider the type of sofa too.


Changing the mood, use or tone of a room is not only easily affected by seating- but also by its type. Brighten up a colder space with bright yellow cushions and bold patterns. Use a large sofa and pair with natural or brightly coloured side-tables and decor. Age a room where kids once played by swapping a bed out for a sofa bed. Making the space practical for both you now, and adult children when they come home.

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