The French are famous for their fine design, regal style and classy taste. Never will you find the French doing anything that your mother did in the 80s to her kitchen. You can use these colours across the entire house but they should be kept consistent all around, you can still use them in a single room though!
- Quite simply, white! The French are masters at perfecting chic white and rich bedrooms with no colour but white! How do they do it!? Well, in fact there are many different colours in use, off whites, neutrals, beige that help highlight and balance the white to give the effect of there being many layers of the same colour. Genius, the French!
Cherry tomato red, Orange, Olive, Yellow nude and Oak brown.
There's something about a room of these colours that just takes any mere mortals that may happen to look at it to a mysterious Parisian café chock full of the hustle and bustle of French life. Use these colours in the order listed and focus on red with an little bit of the other colours around the house.
Yet another thing the French are good at, grace and royalty! Slap most of the walls, floors and ceilings with beige and gold and use the bold colours in decorations and furniture. Use these colours boldly in the house to call the ghost of King Louis XIV, and then you can sit back and relax while he gets his servants on the rest!