Home Inspiration
3 Ways To Make Your Sofa Yours
Ah, new sofa love

Ah, new sofa love. There's nothing better than getting your new sofa home and finally sinking in to the layers of comfort and softness. Not to mention the style is perfect and it's looks amazing in that exact spot in the living room. But there's something not quite right, the sofa's perfect, but it doesn't feel like yours just yet. Don't worry, the interior design experts at the sofa club know exactly what's needed here and have gathered 3 simple ways to fix this problem before it's even started.

  1. Cushions
    Your sofa probably comes with cushions; sometimes these are perfect and feel just like yours already. But other times they can be odd and you can find yourself missing your old cushions. Invest in some super comfy and super personalised stylish cushions to jazz up your sofa and make it more yours, while still keeping the style it's brought to your home.
  2. Throws
    Winter's over, but we still love wrapping up in a super comfy mound of blankets. As much as we love our new sofa, we love our blankets more, so don't be afraid to pile them on there ready for use and let the comfort covers get to work. As time goes on, so does your taste- so always make sure the little things you add are replaceable and leaves you open to switch colours and styles in the future.
  3. Surround it
    A new sofa sometimes slides straight into the sofa shaped hole in our living room (and hearts!), other times it can seem odd or out of place- even though, space wise, it seems to be perfect. The trick to making your sofa more at home is surrounding it with the rest of your decor, don't be afraid to add a side table, coffee table, or rug. No sofa ever looked good as the only piece of furniture!
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