Home Inspiration
What You Should Be Cleaning in Your Home Every Week
It’s easy to get caught up in your busy schedule

It's easy to get caught up in your busy schedule. How many times have you used the “oh, I'll clean that tomorrow” excuse? Tomorrow comes and goes, so that's why it's best to make a plan for yourself outlining what needs to be washed weekly - and what a better time to do it than now whilst we are all at home. You can choose to do one room each day of the week or knock it all out in a couple of hours... happy cleaning!



You should be washing your bed sheets probably more often than you think. If you're a morning shower person, then you're most likely bringing dirt from the day into bed with you. Also, if you allow your pet to sleep with you, who knows what they're bringing into your bed! Everyone loves fresh bed linen, so make sure to wash and change your sheets once a week. 


If you have hard floors in your bedroom, they can gather dust and other debris very quickly. Make sure you're sweeping, mopping or hoovering them every week to prevent dust from building up. If you have carpet, hoover often to prevent the carpet from looking dirty and discoloured. Don't forget under the bed and in the corners!

Hard Surfaces

Once again, dust can build up quickly, especially on hard, flat surfaces. You want to dust these places before it becomes noticeable. Get a microfibre duster and go over all your surfaces such as dressers, bedside tables, desks and shelves. 


Towels & Bath Mats

If you're not washing them every few uses, you should at least be washing them once a week. Towels and bath mats may seem harmless, but they are actually secretly really dirty. When you're using your towel to dry off, it's still collecting all the leftover dirt, so make sure to clean your towels and bath mats regularly! 


A dirty mirror is a sure sign of a dirty bathroom. No one is immune from splashing water on the mirror while brushing their teeth or washing their face. Use a window or glass cleaner to wipe this down every week to remove noticeable grime and dust.

Sink and Bath Tub

You don't have to give these a deep clean every week, but wiping them down with a cleaner or bleach wipe once a week is good. Wipe it down enough to remove anything laying in the tub or sink. That way it won't be as bad when the time does come to give them a deep and thorough cleaning.


Counters & Appliances

Though you should be wiping down your counters every day, giving them another thorough clean along with the cabinets and appliances never hurts. It's important to keep these areas clean because they are usually the first things people notice when they walk into the kitchen. Also, nobody wants to cook or eat in a dirty kitchen!


The inside of the microwave should be wiped down every week and the plate, if removable, should be washed. Whether food spills or splatters all over the sides, they always somehow manage to get dirty.


Once a week, you should be going through the food in the fridge and getting rid of anything that is no longer in date. It is also a good idea to get some disinfectant wipes and wiping down the shelves and drawers, to keep your fridge clean and ready to unpack your weekly shop. 

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